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The small Museum of Digital Art in Zurich curates exhibitions, hosts talks about the relations between technology and society and offers educational programs for children, professionals and pensioners.

Das kleine Zürcher Museum der Digitalen Künste kuratiert Ausstellungen, veranstaltet Vorträge und Diskussionen in Verbindung zu Daten, Algorithmen und Gesellschaft, wie auch Workshops für Kinder, Berufstätige und Senioren.

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Il Museo dell'Arte Digitale cura mostre, presenta discussioni sui legami tra dati, algoritmi e la società, e offre programmi formativi per bambini, adulti e pensionati.

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There are many different ways of defining digital art. Ours is simple, digital art is the art of numbers. Digit = number. The heart of our museum beats with artworks brought to life by ones and zeros. This doesn't just mean a maze of screens and projections—often there are entire exhibitions without a single computer—rather, everything is centred around numbers and rules; programmed artwork that is poetic, complex and human.

Es gibt viele verschiedene Arten um digitale Kunst zu definieren. Unsere Definition ist einfach, die Digitale Kunst ist die Kunst der Zahlen. Digit = Zahl. Deswegen gibt es im nicht nur Bildschirme und Projektionen zu sehen. Im Gegenteil, oft gibt es ganze Ausstellungen ohne Computer. Aber immer auf Zahlen und Regeln basierend, poetisch und alle Sinne ansprechend. Sinnliche, programmierte Kunst.

Ci sono tanti diversi modi in cui si può definire Arte Digitale. Il nostro è semplice: è l'arte dei numeri. Digit = cifra. Il che non significa che a si trovano solamente schermi e proiettori, al contrario, tante volte ci sono mostre senza neanche un singolo computer. Invece, tutte le mostre sono fondate sui numeri e sulle regole usandoli per creare arte programmata e sensuale.

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The museum is located at the ground floor of the Herdern Hochhaus, a 58-meter-tall building, Zurich's first high-rise and a listed monument of the city's industrial history.

Il museo si trova al piano terra del Herdern Hochhaus, il primo grattacielo costruito a Zurigo, riconosciuto come un edificio storico protetto.

Yes, you can rent the Museum of Digital Art for events, workshops and meetings! We offer an inspiring and unique location perfect for creating a memorable experience.

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Welcome to our virtual media desk. As a member of a blog or media organisation you can access detailed information and high resolution content.

O – is a small museum dedicated to the digital arts. We strive not to simply conserve the past, but to shape the future.

1 – The elegance of things created by zeros and ones, built without economic purpose but with beauty and society in mind, leaves us breathless.

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2 – Sharing this inspiration is our goal, play is our education, passion our budget. We welcome limitations as inspiration for creative solutions.

3 – Accessibility wins over exclusivity, information prevails over speculation, prototyping over discussions. We seek to untangle the digital fabric connecting data, algorithms and society. Touching encouraged.

O – Das ist ein kleines, der digitalen Kunst gewidmetes Museum. Nicht um die Vergangenheit zu konservieren, sondern die Zukunft zu gestalten.

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1 – Die Eleganz von Dingen, durch Nullen und Einsen zum Leben erweckt — ohne wirtschaftlichen Zweck, sondern der Schönheit und Gesellschaft willens — raubt uns den Atem.

2 РDiese Inspiration zu teilen ist unsere Motivation, Spielen unsere Methode, Leidenschaft unser Budget. Wir m̦gen Limitationen, da sie Durchschnittlichkeit verhindern.

1 – L'eleganza delle cose create dagli zeri e gli uno, costruite senza motivi economici ma pensando alla bellezza e alla società, ci lascia senza fiato.

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2 РCondividere ispirazione ̬ il nostro scopo, giocare il nostro metodo di insegnamento, passione il nostro bilancio. Limitazioni sono benvenute perch̩ ispirano soluzioni creative.

3 – Accessibilità trionfa sull'esclusività. Informazione prevale sulla speculazione. Vogliamo capire la rete digitale che collega dati, algoritmi e la società. Invece di: "Non Toccare", "Tocca!"

 - Digital Art Kostenloses Girokonto Disposal Service

The Museum of Digital Art is made possible thanks to Hinderling Volkart. This talented digital agency from Switzerland supported the before it had even opened.

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Situated only five minutes away from the , Greenliff supports the young institute with its know-how in digital product and service design.

Gerade mal fünf Minuten vom entfernt, unterstützt Greenliff das junge Institut tatkräftig mit ihrem Fachwissen im digitalen Product und Service Design.

L’entreprise suisse d’ingénierie Greenliff se trouve à 5 minutes du et soutient la jeune institution avec ses connaissances en hardware et logiciels informatiques.

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Greenliff,   un'impresa di ingegneria svizzera è situato solo cinque minuti dal museo e sostiene l'istituto giovane con le sue competenze in hardware e software.

Europe's first physical and virtual Museum of Digital Art was founded by Caroline Hirt and Christian Etter through a crowdfunding campaign. It opened its doors in February 2016.

Europas erstes physisches und virtuelles Museum für Digitale Kunst wurde von Caroline Hirt und Christian Etter gegründet. Es wurde im Februar 2016 danke einer Crowdfunding-Initiative eröffnet.

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Il primo museo fisicale e virtuale dell'arte digitale in Europa è stato fondato da Caroline Hirt e Christian Etter. Grazie a una campagna crowdfunding ha aperto le sue porte nel febbraio 2016.

Since is run on a shoe-string budget it has to operate like a lean, mean machine. A small core team of professionals and volunteers make it tick, often putting in countless unpaid hours.

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's Jahresbudget ist ähnlich gross wie ein Monatsbudget von vergleichbaren Institutionen. Daher wird es von einem winzigen Team aus Fachleuten und Freiwilligen betrieben.

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Ha un bilancio molto ridotto rispetto a quelli di istituzioni simili, dunque è gestito da un piccolo gruppo di professionisti e volontari.

The Museum of Digital Art is a project initiated by the Digital Arts Association (DAA), a non-profit organisation based in Zurich, responsible for the museum's administration. The four main objectives of the association are the following:

Das ist ein Projekt der Digital Arts Association (DAA), einer Non-Profit-Organisation mit Sitz in Zürich, die für den Museumsbetrieb verantwortlich ist. Die vier Ziele des Vereins sind:

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Le est une initiative de la Digital Arts Association (DAA), une organisation à but non lucratif basée à Zurich et responsable de l'administration du musée. Les quatre objectifs principaux de l'association sont les suivants:

Il Museo dell’Arte Digitale è un progetto iniziato dalla Digital Arts Association (DAA), un'organizzazione non-profit a Zurigo, la quale è responsabile per l’amministrazione del museo. I quattro obiettivi principali del museo sono:

4. Diese Ziele mittels schlanker und nachhaltiger Organisation zu verwirklichen und somit nicht auf unangemessene Subventionen von privaten und öffentlichen Investoren und Institutionen angewiesen zu sein.

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Is the acronym for Museum of Digital Arts. It is also a Japanese word meaning futility, uselessness, idleness, superfluity, waste, wastefulness.

Is a small Swiss non-profit with the mission to inspire, educate and contribute to society through the beauty of code! Learn how you can support us.

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Il è un piccolo non-profit. Con il tuo aiuto possiamo continuare ad educare ed ispirare la società con la bellezza del codice.

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Le petit Musée d'art numérique à Zürich explore les relations entre algorithmes, données et société au travers de la poésie du code.

A fabulous way to support the is to register and become a Member. Join the journey and unlock all membership benefits for CHF 101 per year.

Un modo favoloso per sostenere il è quello di registrarsi e diventare un membro . Partecipa al viaggio e ricevi tutti i vantaggi dell'adesione per CHF 101 all'anno.

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Un merveilleux moyen de soutenir nos activités est de s’inscrire et de devenir membre du . Joignez-vous à l’aventure et bénéficiez de tous les avantages d’une adhésion pour 101 CHF par an.

Encore trop de chiffres dans votre compte bancaire? Laissez-vous inspirer par des œuvres d'art numérique originales dans notre petit magasin en ligne.

Stay in touch and receive between 2 and 4 compact newsletters per year, directly into your inbox. We will not give your address to others.

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Restez en contact et recevez entre 2 et 4 newsletters compactes par an, directement dans votre boîte de réception. Nous ne partageons pas vos adresses avec autrui.

Rimane in contatto e ricevi tra 2 e 4 newsletter compatte all'anno, direttamente nella sua posta in arrivo. Non condividiamo questi indirizzi con gli altri.

From Trash To Treasure, Local Artist Makes Unique Art From Recycled Computer Parts - Digital Art Kostenloses Girokonto Disposal Service


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